Lower TCO by migrating windows workloads to AWS cloud
Migrate windows workloads seamlessly on AWS Cloud for higher agility, scalability, and security with Agilisium. Our industry experience makes us an ideal choice for cloud migration.

Windows on AWS is a popular cloud service that enables you to build and execute multiple Windows applications – including Active Directory, .NET, and SQL Server – on the cloud.
The Windows workload migration is the process of migrating Windows applications to a reliable cloud platform (like AWS) with minimum changes and downtime. By doing this, organizations can reap multiple benefits like lower costs, higher business agility, and lower maintenance.
The AWS team has successfully enabled Windows customers to move and run their workloads on the AWS cloud platform for the last decade. For instance, companies have successfully migrated Salesforce workloads (with over 10,000 Windows instances running on AWS).
Organizations can seamlessly migrate their Windows workload to AWS with the help of a professional AWS expert. They can guide you through the complete process across the pre-migration, migration, and post-migration phases.
Here are some of the business benefits of AWS workload migration: